Mueller Report

Protester outside the Federal Building with sign: You might think it's OK, I don't. Mueller report discussed at the protest.Did Mueller Make the Case?
Pop Quiz Questions
Week 11, 10/01/2019
Reading assignment: PP 159-199
  1.  In a meeting on 11/30/2016, before the Trump administration had been sworn in, what did Kislyak offer to Jared Kushner?
  2. In that same meeting, what did Kushner ask of Kislyak and why didn’t either of these things occur?
  3. What five individuals associated with the Trump campaign were indicted and convicted of crimes as a result of the Mueller investigation?
  4. Why was the Trump campaign not indicted for campaign finance offenses regarding the June 9, 2016 meeting in Trump Tower?
  5. What were the primary considerations of the Special Counsels Office regarding prosecution and declination decisions related to Vol. 1 of the report?