February 7, 2021Weekly Actions and Events Letter to Senator Tillis Senator Tillis, There are several compelling reasons to convict ex President Trump for the article of impeachment before you now. They are: […]
February 4, 2020February 13, 2020Letters to the Senator Letter to Senator Burr February 4, 2020 Dear Senator Burr, If you have a shred of decency and if a tiny bit of your soul has […]
January 21, 2020February 13, 2020Letters to the Senator Letter to Senator Burr January 21, 2020 Dear Senator Burr, We are hoping so much that you will be able to provide some moral leadership during […]
December 24, 2019February 13, 2020Letters to the Senator We Demand a Real Impeachment Trial December 24, 2019 Dear Senator Tillis, We the people of North Carolina demand a real impeachment trial in the Senate, not the […]
December 15, 2019December 15, 2019Press Releases Nobody Is Above the Law Rally in Raleigh to Demand Trump Be Impeached and Removed From Office FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 13, 2019 CONTACT: Marci Curtis, Michael Eisenberg Tuesdays with Tillis https://TuesdayswithTillis.org Email: Tuesdayswithtillisnc@gmail.com Phone: 919-696-8011 (Marci Curtis) 312-371-1447 […]
December 10, 2019February 14, 2020Letters to the Senator Stand up for the Rule of Law, Senator Tillis December 10, 2019 Dear Senator Tillis, You have said that you will not vote for impeachment and that Trump supports you because […]