January 7, 2020
Dear Senator Burr,
We are all in danger now as a result of the President’s reckless assassination of General Suleimani. An impulsive act of war was carried out without the consultation of Congress, which is illegal according to our Constitution. The President has spent three years dismantling the federal government and isolating us from our allies, and now the fight with ISIS is thoroughly stalled.
Thousands of our troops are once again headed to the Middle East for no good reason. We have been down this road before.
There is no doubt that the motivation for this attack is to distract us from impeachment. You can no longer dispute the rapidly accumulating evidence that the president abused his power for personal gain. Now that John Bolton has offered to testify in the Senate trial, you must vote for a trial with witnesses, including Nick Mulvany, Rudolph Guiliani, Secretary Pompeio, and Vice President Pence.
This President boasts of his willingness to commit war crimes. He solicits help from foreign governments to help him win elections. He lies continually. He seems to be following Putin’s direction even as he denigrates our intelligence agencies, debases our military, and destroys our institutions.
History will not remember you kindly if you continue to defend this President. We do not want a war and we do not want our country to be divided by partisanship. Please vote for a fair trial, with witnesses. These are not partisan issues. Your choice is to stand up for the truth, or continue to assist in the cover up by defending lies with more lies.